Are you a smoker who wants to quit the habit? Many people will tell you that stopping smoking can be very arduous. Still, the truth of the matter is, if you are genuinely resolved to quit smoking, then it may be that you might not feel it be demanding in the least if you do desire to break the smoking habit, start by telling yourself that you will never, ever touch one of those disgusting cigarettes again.

Mark a date on your Calendar:

If you feel determined to stop smoking, it is essential to ensure that you 100% believe that you will never lay your hands on a tobacco product again; if you can’t come to this decision for whatever reason, then quite simply you are wasting your time, and the entire exercise will prove to be pointless. With that in mind, you must set a definite date for quitting so that you will be able to commence your new lifestyle of a life free from cigarettes. Once you have selected a date, you ought to abide by that date entirely and be sure your state of mind is unchangeable, and you will not allow yourself to fall back to that old bad habit again.

Preparation is Key:

The next thing you should do is get ready for the date you have as your “Quit Smoking Day.” Some individuals carry on smoking right up to the day they set for stopping stating they’ve plenty of time. Yet if you’ve genuinely decided to quit, then you should at least try to cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke during the run-up to your quitting day. It’s very challenging to suddenly stop smoking due to the Nicotine addiction trying to pull you back to the habit once more.

You’re Not On Your Own!

However difficult things sometimes appear to be, always remember that nothing is impossible. With a good amount of willpower and determination, individuals have always managed to overcome obstacles in their path and become successful. So always bear in mind that you most definitely are not the only one suffering. Suppose you browse the internet or ask among your friends and acquaintances. In that case, you will discover lots of people who have succeeded in breaking their smoking habit and are now living a healthier, happier, and more prosperous lifestyle!. So ask them what methods they chose to use and how they managed to overcome the withdrawal periods that you will have to go through. Speak to a few people like this, and you will find your confidence being boosted as if by magic. Also, search on Google for public forums related to stop smoking and join a few of those; this is where you will hook up with many people who are in a similar situation to you. Introduce yourself with a simple post; interact with other users and share your concerns and worries; they day say that “a problem shared is a problem halved,” and this can often turn out to be true.

An Assortment Of Useful Tips:

As soon as you reach the date you set in your Calendar as your “Quit Smoking Day,” you need to embrace the process of getting rid of all smoking-related thoughts from your mind and getting rid of all the smoking-related stuff from your home, including cigarette lighters, cigarettes (of course!), opened (and unopened) packets of cigarettes, all other kinds of tobacco. Throw the lot into your garbage can and breathe a huge sigh of relief now that finally and at last, you are free from the dreaded demands of tobacco. Once you have cleared out your home (and car!), make an effort to have your clothes cleaned, together with your carpets, and have your car interior valeted to get rid of those tobacco smoke odors, this is a massive help in getting rid of your smoking triggers.

Research has also shown that if you drink freshly squeezed orange juice at breakfast and with your evening meal, the effects of Nicotine on your body after you have quit smoking may be repressed substantially, helping you stop and stay leave!!

Remove all thoughts of smoking in your mind and throw away all the trash produced by smoking tobacco products from around you. Then, you really can live a life that is free from tobacco smoke!


Stop smoking today and change your life forever!