Sexual intimacy is an essential element of a relationship. Infidelity in sexual relations or the absence of desire to sex may result in rifts, and other problems. It is not just affecting the relationship, but also a person's physical body. Additionally, it could be a sign of serious health issues, such as thyroid. It is true that thyroid can affect sexual life! With use pills Cenforce 100 and Cenforce 200 

The inability to recognize thyroid as the root cause could cause a variety of thyroid issues such as Hashimoto's Disease, that can lead to an underactive thyroid gland.


The effects of thyroid hormones on your sexuality:

Painful Sex

Dry skin on the vagina is a sign of thyroid problems in women. Dryness in the vagina can make sexual contact unpleasant which can lead to a decline in desire to have sexual relations.

A decrease in testosterone

There is a possibility to suffer from low testosterone when you have an thyroid condition. Thyroid problems can also reduce the libido of a person. Although testosterone is thought of as to be a "man's hormone" but it is made by both women and men. Both women and men depend on it for various levels of sexual motivation boost mood use on Vidalista 40 and Vidalista 60 .

The mood disorder and depression

The thyroid gland is a source of both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism that can cause problems like fatigue and depression.

Ejaculation disorders

Men and women alike suffer from ejaculation disorders that are either delayed or early. The issues could be a result of thyroid problems. Hypothyroidism can lead to delayed ejaculation, while hyperthyroidism is a risk factor for premature ejaculation according to the Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA).

Erectile Dysfunction

According to SMSNA hormone imbalances caused by thyroid problems can make it difficult for men to achieve or maintain an erection. This condition is fairly common particularly among hypothyroid males.


Here's a scenario which was shared by a physician:

I told my doctor that I'd felt extremely fatigued and weak in the last few months, and also gained weight. I was not even interested in getting up many days. My doctor was interested in my sexual habits and, to my utter embarrassment I had to admit me that my sexual passion had diminished in the past, and we'd lost the spark that was in bed Fildena 100 and Fildena 150. I was also asked about my menstrual cycles, and I informed me that my menstrual cycle were becoming more frequent and heavier. The thought of that raised his eyebrows. He then rushed to request several tests. The next day my doctor informed me that I was identified as having a thyroid condition.

There are many reasons that can trigger your sexual urge to be a bit off however one of the most concerning and often ignored causes of low libido can be the abnormality of thyroid function. Most people think that all issues caused by sexual arousal are due to mental issues however, this isn't the case. Studies have shown that an unbalanced thyroid can block an individual's desire to erotomize.

Other physical issues can make a person's sexual libido decrease. Conditions like hypertension, diabetes and obesity, as well as high cholesterol levels and smoking heavily can have a major impact on the sexual health of a person. In the present, more and more patients are receiving treatment for thyroid disorders that had previously been undiagnosed.


The majority of patients who complain of sexual dysfunction have hypothyroidism. However, symptoms may be associated with hyperthyroidism, too. The positive side is that, after some days of treatment with thyroid medications the symptoms will disappear. But, you might be required to check your thyroid levels on a regular basis.

In addition to taking thyroid medications One must also try to adopt an active way of life. Exercise, weight loss, eating healthy foods into your diet are some aspects that can boost overall health as well as confidence in oneself, which can improve sexual drive. The loss of some weight can help balance sexual hormones, thereby increasing the sexual libido.


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It is recommended that you speak to your doctor about sexual health issues to determine the root of your symptoms. You should seek urgent medical treatment. It takes only a couple of minutes to inquire about this issue, and a physician will need even less time to determine the issue, if there is one.