Elements is a powerful drag and drop website builder. With both free and paid versions of the software, you can take advantage of its stunning design, customization possibilities, and manageable learning curve. Free WordPress plugin called Elementor lets you build websites. It provides an interface similar to popular website builders such as Wix or Squarespace, allowing you to perform your tasks faster and more efficiently. Create a feature-rich website with elements that can be placed wherever you like - all without coding knowledge.

Elementor enables you to:

You can create new web pages or a new website with any design, layout, or functionality you desire. You are not limited by the features included in your current WordPress theme. Elementor is a content-building tool that lets you build your content and website using just drag and drop controls and a live preview, rather than having to mess around with the underlying code.

You build your page by simply dragging and dropping different "elements" together to create a design. You don't need to know anything about coding, so if HTML, CSS, and things like that freak you out, keep reading. The preview function allows you to see exactly what your visitors will see, so you can improve your design accordingly. Non-developers love page builder plugins because they allow them to create more styled content without learning HTML/CSS. You can even import templates that do a lot of the hard work for you. As a result, you'll be using an entirely different (and more intuitive) editor than you do now. It won't be necessary to use the WordPress editor that comes with the platform. With the front end, you can change your website or pages exactly as your visitors would see them in their browsers - there will be no need to preview them constantly.

Other website builders offer similar functionality, but they have one major disadvantage: They have excellent editing features. It's still not free, or they have a free plan but with a limited number of templates (that don't look as nice as the ones provided by SiteBuilder). Elementor truly liberates you, and it does so in more ways than one. Let's explore what it does in more detail.

If you would like more information about this type of service Elementor, please contact us. A front-end builder allows you to see the changes you're making to your website as you edit it, rather than working through WordPress and hoping for the best, making even the free option an excellent choice for anyone trying to build a website.