Email has hurt mail in a big way because it lets you send a message to someone you know quickly and easily, no matter where they are in the world. Email clients are easy to use, and most people learn how to use them as one of their first Internet skills. Today, you almost have to have an email address to communicate online, let alone sign up for popular websites or mobile apps. Many people even have different email accounts for work and for fun.
Email services are now hosted by a lot of companies and websites, so you have a lot of options for which email client to use and why. One of these companies is Google, which is a huge Internet company that knew there was a better way to do email. This is why they made Gmail.

So what exactly is Gmail?

Google made Gmail, which is a free email service. Gmail has a few features that make it stand out from other email programmes. There is a lot of space for storing messages, and you can get your email on almost any computer or device. You can also undelete messages.

How does Gmail work?
Gmail works like most other email clients in that you can write emails to any contact or email address you want. It also gets your email for you, so you can look at it, organise it, or sort it however you want. Once Gmail sign up is successful, the email service lets you send more than just plain text. You can also send pictures, videos, and other computer files (up to a certain file memory size limit).

When you sign up for an account, you can click "Compose" to send an email and then type the email address of the person you want to send it to in the "To" box. Then, type your message and press the Send button.