Chin augmentation, also known as mentoplasty or genioplasty in medical terminology is a cosmetic procedure which provides an angular and pronounced shape to your jawline. It enhances an individual’s profile permanently thus improving confidence and even professional prospects for some people.

Due to its long-lasting benefits and anti-aging effects, the popularity of chin augmentation in Dubai has been rising steadily.  It is particularly helpful to people who feel insecure about their appearance due to a weak chin.

The Process of Chin Augmentation Using Implants

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and is usually not very complicated. The Plastic Surgeon starts off by making an incision to place the implant. This incision can be internal (i.e inside the mouth at the joint where the gums meet the lower lip) or external (just below the chin).

Then, the Professional would stretch the tissue to make space for the implant. The implant is found in various shapes and sizes and is chosen according to the person's facial features. It is made of synthetic materials similar in consistency to the natural tissue found inside the chin and hardly feels any different.

Once the implant is placed, the final step is to stitch the incision using fine sutures. Usually, there is a negligible scar left which is barely noticeable to the naked eye.

The Recovery Process

After the surgery, the scar is covered with a dressing which is subsequently removed in a couple of days. The temporary side effects of the surgery include tenderness, tightness in the jaw and discomfort. Your Plastic Surgeon may prescribe some post-operative medicines to deal with these symptoms.

Following the treatment, the patient may continue normal day-to-day activities barring some limitations. For example, chewing can be difficult so the diet must consist of liquids and semi-solids during the recovery phase. A week after the surgery, most of the symptoms start subsiding on their own. And once two weeks have passed, the patient may resume rigorous activities and exercise.

The full results become evident almost a month and a half later when the swelling is gone and the tightness in the chin diminishes.

How to Know Whether the Surgery Is Meant For You?

Deciding if you need a chin implant is not a very complicated decision. The cosmetic procedure is often used in combination with other surgeries to enhance a patient’s facial structure. It is often performed to get rid of a double chin, for facial masculinization, or during facial reconstruction surgery. You can also opt for chin augmentation to complement a rhinoplasty.

When to Avoid This Procedure?

Sometimes, the risks outweigh the benefits and it is best to avoid the surgery altogether. People who have medical conditions may run the risk of a delayed or difficult recovery period. Having a jaw disorder or deformity can also hamper the chances of success. Therefore, in such cases you one should take the advice of a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to determine if you should proceed with surgery or not.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Ideally, the patient should be a non-smoker and should have achieved full skeletal maturity. A complete and thorough checkup is required to ascertain if it is safe for a person to get the procedure done or decide otherwise.

Possible Complications after the Surgery

Even though these rarely occur, some risks and complications after the surgery include:

• Bleeding and bruising

• Hair loss in the incision area

• Nerve damage

• Burning sensation

• A misaligned implant or the implant poking through the incision

• Infection

These guidelines are based on a majority of the cases over the years. However, it must be noted that every patient responds differently to the surgery. Hence, a detailed consultation with medical professionals is essential to make an informed decision.

Want to Know More?

If you are interested in knowing more about cheek augmentation in Dubai, feel free to contact the Al Shunnar patient care team. Our coordinators will readily schedule a personal consultation session for you with one of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons.