Aging can affect one’s looks profoundly. However, thanks to the advance in technology, people are now able to undo or slow down many of the physical changes that happen with time. In this regard, nonsurgical cosmetic procedures have become the new favorites of people as they are now able to avoid the discomfort and pain of going under the knife. Such techniques give zero downtime and usually demand no recovery period.

With the spread of awareness about cosmetic procedures, more interest is being shown by men in non-invasive aesthetic treatment plans. The considerable benefits associated with these options do carry significant attraction for the male gender of the society.

Cosmetic Procedure Options

Men can improve their aesthetic appearances by receiving the following treatments:

Botox injections

Botox injections contain neurotoxins that are injected onto the face. They effectively reduce wrinkle lines, be they crow feet or frown lines. Lines on the forehead and around the nose are also successfully reduced. A small needle is used to inject the botox.

Cosmetic experts usually perform the treatment in an office setting. No rest or recovery period is needed after the procedure. However, botox injections in Dubai do require visits after 4 to 6 months for maintenance purposes.

Acne scar treatment with dermabrasion and micro-dermabrasion

Acne scars can affect a person’s perception of the self by undermining their self-confidence. While women overcome the situation by concealing the marks with makeup, men can do little to hide the permanent scars. Treatments like dermabrasion and micro-dermabrasion use a high-speed brush and small crystals respectively to even out the facial skin.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers or face fillers in Dubai are used to smoothen the skin by eliminating laughter lines and vertical and horizontal creases on the face. They are an efficient tool for making the lips look plump and flawless. Not only this, but fillers are also used to even out scarred areas, and for providing volume to sunken cheeks.

Mesotherapy for Hair Thinning

Hair fall and balding are mostly preceded by the hair thinning phenomenon. And men are normally more prone to falling the victim to this process. However, there is good news for them. Mesotherapy involves the infusion of multiple vitamins, enzymes, and hyaluronic acid into the deeper layer of skin. This therapy assists the collagen production in the body and hence, brings about skin rejuvenation.

PRP for Skin & Hair

The Platelet Rich Plasma technique involves obtaining platelets from the blood and introducing them to areas that require improvement. The PRP treatment can be used to correct skin laxity, texture, and hyperpigmentation. It also removes lines and wrinkles from the skin. With the help of the introduced growth factors, skin becomes able to strengthen its repairing abilities.

PRP helps men in Dubai to achieve healthier and fuller hair as it has proteins, growth factors and healing factor which promotes growth of new hair.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are of three types; superficial, medium, and deep peels. They all have great penetrating abilities and exfoliate the skin thoroughly. The dead cells are removed to give the skin a fresh look. Moreover, scars, spots, freckles, and lines are also undone with the help of these peels. The best thing about chemical peels is that they can be applied to the face, neck, and hands.

Laser Hair Removal

Since men tend to have more hairy bodies, they are more likely to seek out a solution to it. Laser treatment provides a lasting solution for unwanted hair. Hair from areas like the chest, neck, face, abdomen, and back can be removed through this treatment.

Botulinum Injection for Sweaty Hands & Underarms

Excessive sweating can become a source of uneasiness and embarrassment sometimes. Having to dry one’s hands every few minutes does get annoying at times. Botulinum injections make this problem go away by blocking the nerves that bring about excessive perspiration. It also works in the same way for underarm sweating.

Get in Touch

Should you have any further questions, contact our team to schedule an enlightening consultation session with one of our Board-certified experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery.