Cheek augmentation is the name given to a range of procedures that are done to lift or add volume to the cheeks.

One of the most dramatic signs of aging is the wilting effect which is the loss of volume and the sagging downwards of the cheeks, the soft tissues, and bones that lie underneath them. While gravity does contribute to this dramatic sign of aging, the main culprit is the breakdown of the fatty compartments and the loss of tissue. Another factor that can make you look older than you are the naturally low cheekbones.

Cheek augmentation in Dubai is designed to address such issues. For older individuals, cheek augmentation can restore a youthful balance and harmony of their facial features. For the younger individuals, it can improve their aesthetic appearance for those with asymmetrical or naturally narrow facial features. This procedure is also used to improve the appearance of those who have experienced trauma in their mid-facial zones.

Cheek Augmentation Options

There are different cheek augmentation techniques and they include both surgical and non-surgical options.

Surgical options for augmenting and enhancing the cheek include cheek implants and to reduce the chubby cheek Plastic Surgeons perform buccal fat removal.

Non-surgical options are the use of dermal fillers to enhance the cheeks. Dermal fillers can also be used to add volume to the cheek implants.

A Good Candidate for Cheek Augmentation

In general, the ideal candidate for cheek augmentation is an individual who is:

1. Bothered by the appearance of his/her cheeks 2. Feels that his/her cheeks are too flat, thin, or saggy 3. A non-smoker 4. Physically healthy and at a stable weight 5. Realistic about the expectations

Beyond these points, ideal candidates for each cheek augmentation technique include:

Fat transfer. He/she should have a sufficient supply of fat cells that can be safely and easily harvested for fat transfer. In addition to this, they must not be too thin or have underlying medical conditions that could increase the risks during and after the procedure.

Dermal fillers. These candidates should be preferring a less invasive treatment with shorter-lasting results. This procedure is however not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as individuals with a sinus infection.

Cheek Implants. The ideal candidates for cheek implants should have healthy skin that is not too thin so as for the implant to look natural.

The Procedure

For your comfort during the surgical procedure, general anesthesia, or intravenous sedation. Your practitioner will recommend the best choice for you.

The procedures are different depending on the cheek augmentation technique being performed.

Cheek augmentation with implants, the incision made will be based on your Plastic Surgeon’s preferred approach but most Plastic Surgeons insert the cheek implant through an incision made inside the mouth.

Cheek augmentation with fat transfer involves harvesting fat and transferring it into the cheek area. Small incisions are required for this technique.

For cheek augmentation with dermal fillers, the fillers are administered into the cheek area with syringes and do not require incisions or sutures.

Tapes, skin adhesives, or sutures are used to close the incisions.

Recovery and Results

Cheek implants. There is likely to be swelling, bruising, and tenderness around the cheek area which are usually more pronounced within the first 72 hours after surgery. If the incision was inside the mouth, you will be placed on a liquid diet for some time and given special mouth rinses. You should also avoid sleeping face down for about six to eight weeks after the procedure to avoid inflicting trauma on the treatment area.

Dermal fillers. Full recovery from filler treatment can take about a week but this also depends on the type of filler used.

Fat transfer. Full recovery from cheek augmentation with fat transfer takes about five to ten days although there is some slight swelling and bruising during this time. Strenuous activities should be avoided for a couple of days or until your Plastic Surgeon clears you.

Cheek augmentation results in fuller and softer-appearing cheeks. The results of cheek implants are permanent, fat transfer results last for several years while those from dermal fillers last about 3-4 months depending on the type of filler used plus maintenance sessions have to be done regularly.


To Know More

Would you like to understand what options are available for Cheek Augmentation in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or Book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.