Many people use different kinds of toothpaste for cleaning their teeth and to save their dental health. But if so, then why people are getting affected by regular dental problems. The answer is simple, maybe the toothpaste they are using is unable to protect their teeth.

There are also other reasons available. For example, not every people use toothpaste on a regular basis or brush twice a day properly, or does not take care of the teeth after eating. Whatever the reason is, toothpaste still plays a key part to maintain your dental health.

In case, if you are unable to overcome your dental problem, visit a Siliguri dental clinic to get the best treatment. Apart from that, choosing the right toothpaste for your health can also help to improve your dental health.

Toothpaste & Purposes For Safeguard Your Dental Health

1) Fluoride Toothpaste

A common type of toothpaste.


Cavity and bad breath protection.

2) Remineralizing Toothpaste

100% non-toxic toothpaste for desensitized teeth.


Repair enamel and strengthen teeth.

3) Natural Toothpaste

These are absolutely chemical-free and can use by anyone.


Healthy teeth and make your mouth fresh.

4) Baby Toothpaste

A special fluoride-free toothpaste only for babies recommended by a dentist.


To protect cavity and mouth sensitivity.

5) Whitening Toothpaste

A common type of toothpaste for those who take a lot of tea and coffee and for regular use.


Teeth whitening and oral protection.

6) Sensitivity-Fighting Toothpaste

Recommended by expert dentists


Only for those who have sensitive tooth

7) Charcoal Toothpaste

Can be used after a dentist consultation


Teeth protection and teeth whitening

In most cases, people get affected with dental problems after a certain age which is normal, but still, those who maintain their oral health and are health conscious are less likely to get affected with dental health. There are different types of dental problems that can affect your daily life such as:

·        Tooth Decay

·        Tooth Erosion

·        Tooth Sensitivity

·        Mouth Sores

·        Bad Breath

·        Receding Gums

·        Gum Bleeding

·        Dry Mouth

·        Tooth Grinding

·        Jaw Pain

·        Broken Tooth

·        Oral Cancer

·        Painful Chewing

·        Other Gum Disease

When we consume foods, bacteria enter with it and produce acids to destroy natural tooth protector so-called enamel. As a result, we face severe dental pain, infection, tooth loss, or even worst case cancer.

Self-care can prevent your oral health but for healthy oral health, you can visit the best dentist in Siliguri to not only prevent a particular issue but also to treat and resolve the entire problem. The result will get more positive when you visit once a month.

The oral problems consist of many issues that include pain and can damage your oral health. Visit at least once a month to any nearby dental clinic for oral check-ups. This is an addition that will help you to keep your teeth healthy and prevent all uncertain oral problems.