The process in which eggs are released from a woman’s ovary is referred to as ovulation. Ovulation is important for the conception process to take place. A woman is said to suffer from infertility when her ovulation cycles are irregular and she faces difficulties with fertilization despite having unprotected sex several times.

Facilitation And Monitoring Of The Ovulation Process

Usually, an infertility specialist will ask for the woman’s ovulation process to be monitored when they want to observe the way the eggs are produced from the woman’s ovaries. Complete documentation can be done through this medical procedure.

Follicular monitoring is the process of monitoring the ovulation process in a woman’s body by scanning in case she is suffering from infertility and is taking medication for facilitating fertility in her body. For both natural ovulation cycles and stimulated ovulation cycles, follicular monitoring can be conducted via an ultrasound.

Follicular monitoring is a monitoring process that is also used to determine the size of the follicles in the woman’s ovaries. The ovarian follicles are assessed well before fertilization, at regular intervals of time. The morphological growth of follicles is observed, as well as how they function. This helps assess whether their growth and overall activity are good.

Helps In Facilitating The IVF Process

To speed up the process of In Vitro Fertilisation, the ovaries in the woman’s body are stimulated using specific drugs. After the pelvic ultrasound is conducted, the infertility specialist can determine the dosage of drugs to be given to the patient. They can also detect the right time of egg collection from the woman.

The way the woman is responding to medication can be detected via the follicular monitoring process. A healthy follicle is considered to be approximately 20 millimeters in diameter to be ready for fertilization. An ultrasound test can determine whether the follicle is healthy and has attained the requisite size of around 18-20 mm.

Post this, efforts are made to collect the best possible quality of eggs from the woman’s body. The woman is treated with hormone injections to stimulate the follicles so that the eggs are released. After 36 hours of injection, the doctors get started with the procedure of egg collection. The eggs which have matured are sent to the laboratory so that they can be fertilized by the sperm in the laboratory.

Promoting Alternate Methods Of Conception

It is safe to say that alternate methods of conception such as In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) or Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) can be promoted easily via follicular monitoring. Follicular monitoring is massively helpful when it comes to executing these processes successfully. This is a modern medical technique that has helped countless couples to become the parents that they had aspired to become and fulfilled their dreams.

For more queries you can always consult with the best fertility expert in Siliguri.