
In medical terms, bad breath is termed halitosis, which harms oral or dental health and is a red flag for other health-related issues. Foods you eat or consume throughout the day can also cause bad breath because of unhealthy lifestyles or eating habits. You can cure halitosis either at home treatment or by taking the guidance from Urban Dental Houston Midtown

  How Do Food and Bad Breath Are Connected?

All the foods you eat throughout the day break down or start with your mouth. These foods are mixed into your bloodstream and transit to the lungs, thus influencing the air when you exhale. Sometimes, brushing, flossing, and mouthwashing don’t work because food with a strong presence (garlic, onion, and ginger) takes much time to completely fade away the odor until the foods have passed through your body. If you have a busy schedule, then you can make an appointment with a dentist open near me on saturday.

Other foods that can cause bad breath are mentioned below:-

Cheese Lemon Soda or orange juice Alcohol Pastrami

The same happens with dieters who don’t eat enough food for long hours and can also be a victim of bad breath. Your breath may cause a bad odor when your body releases chemicals during the breakdown of fat. You can consult the local dentist near me to cure the bad breath because it would be feasible from your home or work location.

  What Are the Major Causes of Bad Breath?

Bacteria enter the mouth with many sources like drinking, eating, and consuming foods or drinks regularly. However, halitosis can be caused because of the following reasons:-


Poor Maintenance of Oral Health

Some people get lazy and don’t take oral health care seriously or don’t do brush, floss, or dental routine checkups on time. This collects the food in the teeth that may rot the tongue because of debris or food particles, which cause bad odor and taste in the mouth.


Not Taking Caring of Dentures

If you don’t care for your dentures properly, they may collect fungi, bacteria, and food particles that cause foul odor.


Odor-causing bacteria on the tongue

Some bacteria on the back of the tongue can react with food amino acids and create sulfur compounds that smell bad.


Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is one of the significant symptoms of gum disease that causes a bad smell and unpleasant taste in the mouth. In this situation, you must opt for an emergency walk in dentist by discussing your oral health care.


High Consumption of Alcohol and Tobacco Products

Higher consumption of smokeless tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, caffeine, and alcohol can create stains in the teeth and put your body at risk for chronic and other diseases such as periodontal disease, loss of ability to taste, diabetes, irritated gums, and oral cancer.


Wrapping It Up 

In this post, we’ve covered the basic information about oral health and bad odor that sometimes creates significant issues in the long run. You must take care of your oral health seriously and make a routine of brushing, flossing, and mouth washing to protect from severe dental health conditions like periodontal, tooth decay, and oral cancer. Go for walk in dentistry near me to discuss your oral health issues with experienced healthcare professionals.