Treatment Research

Treatment research is a branch of medical research that focuses on the discovery, development and evaluation of treatments for diseases.

In the field of treatment research, there are a wide range of methods that are used in order to find new treatments for diseases. These methods include clinical trials, animal models, and bench-to-bedside translational and basic science research.

The goal of treatment research is to find better treatments for diseases and to improve the quality of life for patients who suffer from them.

Prevention Research

Prevention research is the process of identifying risk factors, developing and testing interventions, and implementing evidence-based practices to reduce the burden of disease. Prevention research can be conducted at individual, group, or population levels. The goal is to prevent chronic diseases in a cost-effective manner.

Diagnostic Research

In diagnostic research, the researcher is concerned with the identification of a problem or issue.

The researcher will then design a study to answer the question they are trying to solve.

Screening Research

Screening research is a process in which researchers identify and review the best candidates for a given position.

It is important to note that screening clinical research is not the same as recruitment. Recruitment, on the other hand, is the process of finding and hiring new employees.

There are many different methods of screening research. Some of them are:

- Job analysis

- Competency assessment

- Assessment centre

- Structured interview

Quality of Life Research

Quality of life research is a field that studies the quality of life and its factors. It is an interdisciplinary field that involves the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities.

Quality of life research seeks to understand what people value in their lives and how they pursue those values. It also explores how these values affect other aspects of our lives such as health, education, or happiness.

Genetic studies

Genetic studies are a form of research that is used to find out how a person's genes affect their physical and mental health. Genetic research is important because it helps scientists understand the causes of diseases and how they might be prevented.

Epidemiological studies

Epidemiological studies are observational in nature and provide helpful insights into the occurrence of a disease and its impact on the population.

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are an important part of the drug discovery process. They are used to evaluate new medications and devices for their safety and effectiveness.

Phase I trials are first in a series of clinical trials that test a new medication or device in humans. The goal is to identify any serious side effects, determine dosage levels, and find the best way to administer the product.

Phase II trials test the effectiveness of an investigational drug or device with a larger number of patients who have the same disease as those in Phase I. These trials also look for less common side effects and compare how well it works with other treatments already on the market.

Phase III trials are conducted with several hundred people who represent both genders, various races, and various ages (including children), as well as people living in different geographical locations across countries or

Phase IV trials Post-marketing studies, which are conducted after a treatment is approved for use by the FDA, provide additional information including the treatment or drug’s risks, benefits, and best use.