Special needs trusts (SNTs) provide a plethora of benefits for beneficiaries requiring care and assistance programs. Yet, with one of the possible disqualifying distributions being care and medical assistance, there is a gray area in some jurisdictions about what the SNT can provide.

In some jurisdictions, an SNT can pay in-home care providers for hours they are working beyond the Medicaid-approved hours. For instance, if a care provider is working 40 hours and Medicaid has only allotted 20 hours a week for in-home care, then the SNT can pay the remaining 20 hours to the care provider. What is important to note and ask within the state’s Medicaid agency are the following:

Do the state’s Medicaid rules allow for payment to care providers in general?

Some states have no Medicaid issues with care providers being paid so long as Medicaid, Medicare, and other insurance have denied coverage of the care expense. The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Program Operations Manual System (POMS) states that these distributions should be allowed. However, some state Medicaid agencies have implemented rules otherwise.

ABLE account.

An ABLE account can assist with providing for expenses and compensation.

There are many ways to take a holistic approach to planning. To achieve this successfully, a combination of creative planning needs to incorporate an understanding of the state’s Medicaid rules and the SSA’s POMS guidance.

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