For parents of a child with special needs, the support and resources needed can feel overwhelming. The Special Needs Alliance is a national alliance of attorneys for special needs planning. While some resources vary by state, there are government programs that can help alleviate some of the most urgent issues. The following provides an overview of the most popular offerings.


Since 2010, the Affordable Care Act has increased health coverage for children across the country. By increasing children’s health coverage, most states were able to provide adequate benefits for children with special needs, and in some cases the coverage was complemented by state-specific programs.

While each state has its own Medicaid rules, in most states if a child with special needs is receiving Social Security Income they also qualify for Medicaid. In addition to health care coverage, Medicaid is often used to pay for residential options including group homes, as well as day programs and supported employment programs. In 2022, the Medicaid While Working State Threshold Amounts for persons with disabilities was increased, each states amount can be found on the Social Security site.

Special Needs Alliance – Find An Attorney

If you are in need of an attorney to help you with legal services, find an attorney now. Your situation is unique. Our Special Needs law attorneys take everything into account. Our association only accepts attorneys with a long track record in the area and high ethical standards in special needs law. Count on us to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your loved ones.

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