Fildena 100 is an erectile dysfunction pill that is effective and safe. It works by relaxing the smooth penile muscles and increasing blood flow to the penis. The effects of Fildena are noticed within 30 minutes after taking a tablet and can last up to 4 hours. However, it is not recommended to take this medication without sexual stimulation.

It is a generic version of Pfizer's Viagra manufactured by Fortune Health Care in India. The active ingredient in this medicine is sildenafil citrate. It is cheaper than the original brand-name pill and has been approved by the FDA to treat erectile dysfunction.

This drug is a member of a group of medicines called phosphodiesterase five inhibitors. It can also be used to increase blood flow to certain body areas. It is available as 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg tablets.

It is an erectile dysfunction drug that can help you to achieve a solid, lasting erection. It is effective for men of all ages and can be used with other medications to increase your chances of success.

The active ingredient in this drug is sildenafil citrate, a type of phosphodiesterase five inhibitors. It is effective for treating erectile dysfunction and is available in several different strengths.

You should never take this drug without a doctor's prescription. It is a strong drug that can cause side effects if handled improperly. It is also incompatible with certain medications. If you have high blood pressure, kidney or liver problems, or other medical conditions, consult your physician before taking this drug.

This medication is unsuitable for people with a history of heart, kidney, or liver disease. It can also interact with certain drugs, including antifungal medicines and antibiotics. It is also incompatible with medications that contain adrenergic blockers, such as alprazolam or tricyclic antidepressants.

Your doctor will prescribe a dose based on your medical condition and other risk factors. The recommended dose is a single pill every four to six hours. You can start with a lower amount and gradually increase it as needed.

In addition, you should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol while taking this drug. These activities can increase your risk of experiencing side effects, such as dizziness or lightheadedness. You should also avoid consuming too many fatty meals while taking this medication.

This drug's most common side effects include headache, dizziness, and flushing. They are usually mild but can lead to serious issues if left untreated.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should seek emergency medical assistance immediately. It would help if you also refrained from using Fildena while breastfeeding or taking other medications containing phosphodiesterase five inhibitors, such as tadalafil.

Other Info: Fildena 150