Fildena 50 Medicine is a powerful drug that reduces blood pressure in the arteries. This medication is commonly used to treat high blood pressure and hypertension. It is also used to treat sexual problems like erectile dysfunction.

The drug can help lower blood pressure and increase erections. This is especially helpful in men with low blood pressure or those with heart disease. It is also useful for those with priapism (a prolonged erection that can cause damage to the penis).

You may need to take more than one dose of the medication at a time. It would help to be careful not to exceed the maximum allowed dosage. You should avoid consuming alcohol while taking medicines as it may cause drowsiness.

Using the medicine with other medications can lead to dangerous side effects. These include an increased risk of a serious heart attack or stroke. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any side effects while using Fildena 50 Medicine.

People on nitrate-based medication or pregnant people should not use this medicine. This is because nitrates can interact with sildenafil citrate to produce a serious drop in blood pressure that requires immediate medical attention.

In addition, it should not be used by people allergic to nitrates or other drugs that act on the nitrate receptors. It is also not recommended for people with kidney failure, low blood pressure, or a history of heart disease.

Patients who have diabetes or high cholesterol should also consult with their doctor before using the medicine. They should also avoid eating fatty foods while taking the medication.

A common side effect of the medication is a headache. You should seek emergency medical care if you experience a severe headache or lightheadedness while using the medicine.

Besides the effects mentioned above, generic sildenafil citrate can also cause a decreased libido and difficulty falling asleep. It can also reduce blood flow to the brain and lungs.

Other Info: Fildena 100