Conversations with Mother Goddess begins with some profound statements about why humans struggle so much in life and the origins of that struggle-those origins are not based in a typical Judeo-Christian concept of good vs. evil or Original Sin, but rather in how we have separated ourselves from Source and from the Mother. Kawai states, "Deep in our matrix lies a part of ourselves that has never been awakened. We hold within a lost consciousness that longs to return. This energy is our Mother of Creation; She has been denied since the beginning of time for the purpose of evolution."
bflixx goes on to explain the difference between the Father and the Great Mother, and how we and our focus on the Father in our religions has separated us from the Mother, and made us feel subconscious guilt, but at the same time, all that has happened in this respect happened as it should have; now, however, the time has come for a reawakening to the Mother's energy. "And so, our souls (all souls) are trapped in a downward spiral of self-condemnation and impotence, taking us further and further from the original Great Mother, or Source. It is now time to right this great imbalance and bring Mother back-into ourselves and into humanity's consciousness. The time is now!"
After Kawai introduces these concepts and explains our separation from the Mother, she enters into a series of conversations with the Great Mother. Kawai describes herself as "a born clairaudient seeker of truth, which means that I have a direct communication channel with divinity, in a constant one-to-one conversation. I can ask questions, any questions, and receive the answers. My tendency is always to go deeper." For that reason, Kawai has decided to ask the Great Mother the deep questions we need in order to move our souls forward. The remainder of the book is divided into sections of questions, arranged by topic, although each section builds upon the ones before it. The topics are wide-ranging and all-encompassing, and they include discussions about Source, soul agreements, the purpose of incarnation, redemption, fear, meditation, positive thinking, and the future of mankind, plus many more.
Personally, what I found most interesting about the book is what it has to say about positive thinking, but I need to give a little background before explaining it. I've long been a believer in reincarnation and the evolution of the soul, so while much that Kawai presented about these concepts interested me, I was not surprised by them. I have a good understanding also about guilt, and Kawai talks a lot about the guilt of the human race, which derives from our feeling guilt over incarnating (a guilt we should not feel, she says), and our separation from Source. Since I've always been a believer in positive thinking, here is where I was first alarmed but also intrigued by what Kawai and the Great Mother had to say about that subject. The problem with positive thinking is that it does not resolve that guilt we feel for incarnating and separating ourselves from the Mother and Father. Instead, we replace that guilt with positive thinking, playing at being creators, but that does not resolve the separation. Kawai clarifies this point by saying:
"Thinking that achieving wellbeing in a material and emotional manner, flowing positive thoughts, and cultivating a good attitude is going to fulfill our ultimate goal is still part of a temporary illusion. It only means 'emulating' Source, 'mimicking' it, but it doesn't mean we have achieved our true purpose, which is being Source-consciously experiencing what was ours to begin with, the piece of real estate that we used to own in Source."
Therefore, she concludes, "Merging back with Source in full consciousness is our true purpose."