The author begins by examining the nature of influence and its relation to influence, transformation, leadership and the Holy Bible. Inspiration is in the thought-level, while influence is in the speech and action levels. When inspiration initiates growth and influence guides it, transformation is the end result. Usually inspiration is received from a leader who also wields considerable influence. One need only think of leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela in this regard. A leader is an inspired person with the ability to influence others to fulfill some task for the realization of a goal. Leadership and inspiration go hand in hand. The Holy Bible, according to church teaching, was inspired by God and endowed with the privilege of inerrancy, despite the fact that human beings have written it.
what is cherry chapstick person in one's life is perhaps the greatest source of inspiration. Jesus is the most significant person in billions of people's lives and he has been for over the last two millenniums. He is the most powerful source and supreme model of inspiration. The main sources for drawing inspiration from Jesus are: Prayer, The Gospel, The Holy Eucharist and Service. Prayer is being with Jesus and deepening our love-relationship with him. The Gospel is the book of life and our basic rule for holiness. The Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of holiness. In rendering service to others, we identify in them signs of the presence of Jesus. Jesus delivered many inspirational teachings which serve as instructions for better participation in his life and ministry and act as guidelines for holiness. The author presents 8 such teachings, namely:• "Abide in me as I abide in you... those who abide in me bear much fruit."• "Come to me all who are weary and carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest."• The call of Peter and Andrew.• The commandment of love.• "Learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls."• "You are the light of the world.."• "You will be my witnesses... "• "Just as you did to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me."
Jesus' life was that of prayer, poverty, simplicity and ministry. All these were geared to the Kingdom of God, which was his life's mission and the legacy he left behind.
In its origin and function, the church is a sacrament of inspiration in the world. Everyone who is part of it is called to inspire. Laity, priests and religious are all called to be beacons of inspiration, albeit in different degrees and capacities. Inspiration marks the beginning of the journey of true Christian life, but holiness is the end. To be inspired by Jesus is and invitation to follow him in the path of godliness.
Inspiring another person to holiness ought to be every person's objective. It is a duty arising from a relationship with Jesus and with our fellow human being. The author discusses three means or methods for promoting the ministry of inspiration:1. Authenticity of life2. Attitude3. Behaviour
He sees providing inspiration as ministry because it is more important than any other activity rendering service to others. Ministry is largely connected to priests and religious and hence they must be models of holiness, inspiring others to follow the path of holiness. Failure to inspire is closely related to 3 unhealthy behaviour patterns: hypocrisy, scandal and corruption. Faith, which lies at the foundation of Christian life, is closely connected to inspiration. Inspiration leads to faith which in turn leads to surrender and is finally culminated in holiness. Thus, a commitment to a life of faith is the best way to inspire others.