In this way, in the first time that the human race mobilizes the army. The orcs must have acted accordingly. Who killed the Terran? In fact, the orcs were very curious about this at that time, but no matter how the strong people of the human race died at that time. This is not important to the orcs, as long as they know, according to the situation at the time, everything is very favorable to them. The human race itself can fight against the orcs, and most of them rely on the strong ones in their race. After all, when it comes to physical condition, the Terrans may not be as good as the Orcs. But the understanding of the Terran is not comparable to that of the Orcs, so the gap between the two sides is not only reflected in the power of magic that the Terran has and the Orcs do not have. When the strength reaches a certain level, the strong Terrans will be able to have the same or even stronger strength as the Orcs according to the increasing effect of combat skills and weapons. So, the following orcs can deal with a few or even a dozen human soldiers, but the more to the top, then the strength of the human race will not be weaker than the orcs. So. Every time the orcs invade, the Terrans often play a great role. Although there are no specific statistics, the number of orc soldiers killed by the strong Terrans will not be less than that killed by ordinary Terran soldiers. And according to the situation at that time, according to the role of the Terran strong against the Orc army,Grey Marble Slab, now suddenly most of the Terran strong inexplicably died like that. In this way, when the orcs invade the Terran again, without the hindrance of the strong Terrans, it will be much easier for the orcs to take the Terran territory. As for who killed the strong Terrans at that time, the orcs didn't care at all. Or after what happened at that time, because of too strange reasons, the orcs had directly regarded all that as the work of the beast God. And in that case,Marble Granite Price, even if they did not do all the things at the moment, when the humans blamed them for all these things, the orcs had no intention of defending themselves. Blame it on them, blame it on them, and it didn't matter to the orcs at that time. According to the conditions they have at this time, it is estimated that after World War I, there will be hope to destroy the human race. And in that case, no matter who killed the Terran strong, all this is no longer important to those orcs, as long as the Terran will be destroyed later, then who will care about this matter now? Or according to the details of the human race, there is still the possibility of resisting the invasion of those orcs. But who let at that time the human race itself had the performance of death, Stone Honeycomb Panel ,Pietra Gray Marble, at that time after the incident, the human race had the courage to take the initiative to attack their territory, in that case, the orcs naturally will not be polite to humans. Originally even if the Terran did not have any action, after getting the relevant information, the Orcs will definitely take the initiative to attack the Terran. But as soon as the orcs got the news that the Terrans would attack them, the group of orcs who had planned to take action immediately stopped the action they had just planned to take. There are two reasons why the Terran can resist the attack of the Orcs. One is that the strong Terran is not weaker than the strong Orcs, and the other is that the fortified city of the Terran is not so easy to break through. Even if it is now such a fantasy world, the side guarding the city against the side attacking the city. That's not a small advantage. After all, no matter the battle between the strong, no matter how much strength difference there is between the Terran soldiers and the Orcs, when the Terrans are on the wall and throw stones and oil directly below, is it because the Orcs are physically stronger than the humans that they can do nothing at that time? Obviously, that is simply impossible, when the strength has not reached a certain level. In the face of attacks from Terran soldiers, most of the orcs who attacked the city were still doomed. Of course, if the orc soldiers can attack the walls, then they will be able to play their own strength advantage. And depending on their strength, if they really let them attack those human soldiers, perhaps it will really cause great losses to the human side at that time. However, although in theory at that time, if the orcs really attacked the wall, they could have done it with one enemy. According to their strength. It will be enough to bring great losses to the human side. But the question is, are the orcs so easy to attack the walls? Obviously, it was doomed from the beginning that if the orcs did not suffer a lot of casualties, it would be difficult to send soldiers to the walls at all. According to the situation at that time, before the orcs were sent to the wall and fought with the Terran soldiers, the orcs suffered great losses at that time. Under the circumstances at that time, a battle was often fought, not counting the losses caused by the strong of the two clans, relying on the help of the city wall. Humans tend to be able to keep their side's casualties at the same level as the orcs. In this way, although now because of the death of a large number of strong people within the Terran race, the Orcs see the hope of capturing the Terran territory. But if they're really going to do that. The orcs still have to be prepared to face a lot of casualties. Because according to the situation at that time, even if the human side of the strong casualties again, as long as the strong city to resist their attack, the orcs must also need to pay a huge price before it is possible to invade the human hinterland. But now, because of the Terran's reaction, everything is different. Because of the strong city, if the orcs wanted to annex the human race at that time, they would have to pay a huge price. But if you don't wait for them to attack. At that time, the Terrans themselves took the initiative to come out and fight with them? According to the situation at that time,Calacatta Nano Glass, when the Terrans took the initiative to attack them and they fought in the field, the odds of the Orcs increased more than a little invisibly. It can even be said directly that as long as the two sides carry out field operations, then the orcs will win as soon as they are convenient. As long as the Terran army is severely damaged in that battle. Then the orcs will be able to swallow the Terrans 100% of the time.