Cenforce 100 is a new male enhancement supplement for males with erectile dysfunctions and it acts like Viagra for enhancing your sex life and sex performance. Sildenafil 100 mg male enhancement pills are also called " Triangle Pills" and have the powerful ingredients Sildenafil citrate which is an all-natural ingredient. These pills are strong pills from empowering natural ingredients to get a hard erection. These male enhancement pills are formulated from powerful herbal extracts and other plant-based compounds to restore a youthful libido.

The major ingredient of this product, Sildenafil is a powerful aphrodisiac that activates the release of nitric oxide to deliver blood flow to the penis. This helps in dilating the blood vessels to give more blood to the penis and give harder erection and increased sensation. Horny goat weed is also a beneficial ingredient that helps in dilating blood vessels, increasing sensation to give better sexual pleasure, endurance for a longer time, and also relieving stress. All these active ingredients work in enhancing the overall health, stamina, and performance of males.

Though the above-mentioned ingredients are proven to work, many men are not convinced with the benefits of these products and they are afraid of their side effects. However, all the ingredients are completely safe as they are made up of all-natural sources. Cenforce has no known side effects but due to its new ingredient, some men are having anxiety and nervousness while taking the supplement. Though these issues are very rare but are not advisable to all men because they may cause depression or impotence to the male.